With Epix HD you are able to watch more than 3000 different films in High Definition by loading them from the Epix streaming service. Nonetheless the service can be used by just US residents. But I have a smart little technique that’ll permit you to make Epix believe that you are in truth American no matter where on earth you might be.
The issue is that Epix can detect your location via your IP-address, which is a number that’s assigned to you automatically by your Internet Provider. When you attempt to gain access to the site from outside the US you will see this message on the top right where you’ll often get the log-in and sign up buttons:” Just US Citizens may Sign In / Signal Up”. So what you should do get Epix presume that you will be American and is falsify where you are.
Falsifying Location to View Epix HD
To what is generally known as a Vpn by linking faking your place is done. It’s also described in a Review of IPVanish. As a result you may inherit the IP-address in the VPN if linked to a host in the USA this IP-address and How to view Epix Away From the USnetwork will soon be American and you may thus signal up and use Epix outside the USA.
Setting up VPN is rather easy without regard to you pc skills – if you are able to use Fb you are able to create a VPN link as well. I recommend using Hide My Ass VPN which is my personal favorite. Their application enables you to choose a city/state and the join to some server in this place – a couple of seconds later your new location that is digital is ready and the next time you connect to Epix you are now able to either subscribe or login. Here is a setup explanation. If you don’t have an account already simply sign up for one. Just don’t forget to work with an American zip-code like 90210 and then select a supplier that is haphazard from the drop-down.
That is all there is to it really – it is, in addition, vital that you say that this approach works with all just solutions, to help you use your VPN link to un-block all sorts of US solutions that are only that are trendy which you encounter. Here is the Windows VPN setup description. Besides a VPN connection will encrypt you data connection which makes it harder for hackers to attack you and steal your private information – merely of utilizing VPN and added advantage. Anyway if you desired to watch Epix HD outside the US you now learn how to go about it – have fun.